Get the Children to Help with the House Cleaning

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Isn’t it strange how having children changes your home overnight? Where once everything was in its place, now things are strewn everywhere. Even the smallest baby creates his or her personal little untidy whirlwind, with blankets and soft toys seemingly everywhere.

Once the children are at playgroup or school there are a few hours to tidy up and put everything away. The house appears less of a bear garden and more of a home again. And then come the school holidays and some planning has to come into force.

Play Time Is Cleaning Time

You can make cleaning fun for the children when it comes to the school holidays. Start them at an early age and create the mindset that helping Mummy or Daddy wash up or dust or vacuum round the house is a hugely exciting game. This really works. It’s also a good idea to occasionally take the kids out on a special treat to thank them for all their hard work. Having an incentive never hurt anyone!

It’s also important to start them early on room tidying. Telling them their room is their private bit of space and encouraging them to keep it tidy by putting toys away and attempting to make their own beds is an excellent idea which will become a habit, hopefully, over the years.

Buying kiddie-size cleaning tools is a good idea. Little hands can easily help to sweep up when you’re busy and unable to do so. Being made to feel useful is lovely for a small child and they are ready and willing to help.

Routine for the Sake of Sanity

A routine is necessary if you are to avoid chaos and drawing up a rota when the children are a bit older is a great idea. Let them design and colour it and display it proudly in the kitchen for all to see and admire.

Enlist their help in clearing away breakfast dishes and tea things. Let them help you bake and clear away afterwards. This takes a bit of overseeing to keep it safe, but it’s worth it. There’s also an educational element here too, as they will be weighing and measuring, so you’re killing two birds with one stone.

To keep the house clean and tidy a little longer, eat outside whenever the weather will permit. Who cares if crumbs are spilled on the floor then? Let the birds have them and enjoy the time with your kids instead of fretting over tidiness.

If you have two or more children then teamwork can be the name of the game. Introducing a bit of team rivalry won’t go amiss either and be sure to ignore the arguments of whose mess it is.

Whether you are clearing up after the kids during a holiday period or planning a major overhaul after they return to school, why not consider using the services of cleaning porfessionals in your local area to assist or perhaps handle the entire process for you?


About Author

I am Catherine. This blog is my hobby as I love to read and write. I could not decide weather to choose one topic for writing or to do it all. Finally I though to go all out and write and share whatever I feel like on a given day. So I usually write on things I am passionate about and sometime not so usual ones.

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